Buy organic
Offers to sell
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We have large areas of agriculture products of organic and inorganic, in various places, including in Fayoum - Minya - Beni Suef
Committed to compliance with European and French organic standards, we are members of Organic Agency , certified by ECOCERT , and transparent with our results of analyzes in the laboratory.
Apoflor promotes digestive function and the integrity of the intestinal mucosa thanks to the contribution of the following natural substances:
BACTERIA LYSATES: they favour a correct stimulation and modulation of the immune system both at the level of the small intestine and that of the large intestine. Compared to the “live” lactic acid bacteria, the tyndalised microorganisms are stable at room temperature for long periods (three years), do not require refrigeration and are resistant to gastric juices, to digestive enzymes and bile acids. For these reasons, they represent a viable alternative to live lactic ferments.
VIRUNOL GVP: concentrated extract obtainedfrom the patented strain FEM-10 microalgae Spirulina.Scientific studies have shown that Virunol GVP has broad-spectrum antiviral activity and helps to strengthen the body’s natural defences.
It acts protecting the cells with “an antiviral barrier” that many viruses are not able to cross. In addition to various types of influenzaviruses, GVP Virunol inhibits several other pathogens such as intestinal viruses which are potentially harmful.
LACTOFERIN: it increases the good microfl ora, reduces systemic and intestinal infl ammation for illnesses such as intestinediseases. It also has documented antiviral properties (HIV, CMV, Herpes Simplex 1), antimicrobial (elicobatterio pylori, cholera, E. coli, bacillus Flexner, Staphylococcus epidermis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans, etc.), antitumor and antioxidant.
SACCHAROMYCES BOULARDII: Saccharomyces boulardii intake increases the concentration of IgA in all organ systems and particularly in the intestine by strengthening the immune system against infections, allergies and intolerances. Saccharomyces Boulardii is useful in all disorders associated with IgA-s defi - ciency such as: food allergies and intolerances, gastrointestinal disease, autoimmune diseases, Crohn’s disease, malignancies, infections and bronchopulmonary asthma, diarrhea, candida. Considering it is not a bacterium but a yeast, SaccharomycesBoulardii is antibiotic resistant. RED ORANGE COMPLEX: blood orange extract with antioxidant action.
POMEGRANATE JUICE: antibacterial, antioxidant, antiviral, antidiarrhoeal and gastroprotective properties.
quality.Our farm is focused on the export of honey, both own production and redeemed by colleagues.I would like to ask if you are interested in buying both organic and ordinary Honey from acacia, rapeseed, lime, sunflower, herbs, coriander?
Thanking you and looking forward to hear from you soon.
Best regards,
Georgi Georgiev
Nous sommes en recherche active de potentiel de fève de cacao certifié FAIRTRADE.
Avec notre plateforme, nous pouvons fournir jusqu'à 5000 tonnes de fèves certifiés.
Nous vous saurons gré de bien vouloir de par votre institution de rentrer en contact avec vos membres à ce propos!
Vous en souhaitant bonne réception et dans l'attente de vous,
Veuillez trouvez ici Mme/M l'expression de nos sincères dispositions à une franche collaboration future.
+225 01 01 44 13 53 / 07 09 73 23 58
Tioga and Camorosa variety,
Packed in 10kg cartons
- cut
- tea bag cut
- whole leaves
Organic Lemon Balm (Melissa)
- cut
- tea bag cut
Organic Spearmint
- cut
- tea bag cut
Organic Peppermint
- cut
- tea bag cut
Organic French Tarragon
- cut
- finecut
- cut
- tea bag cut
- whole leaves
Organic Lemon Balm (Melissa)
- cut
- tea bag cut
Organic Spearmint
- cut
- tea bag cut
Organic Peppermint
- cut
- tea bag cut
Organic French Tarragon
- cut
- finecut